** Climate AI Nordics (CAIN) 2025, Core team member**
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Role: Representative for Finland
Description: A network for AI technology in climate research with over 100 members from the nordic countries. See network website: https://climateainordics.com/
FysKemDagarna (Physics and Chemistry Days) 2024
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Role: Presenter and Panelist on AI in Chemistry, Physics, and Education
Organized by: Finnish Society of Chemists (FKS), Finnish Physical Society (FSF), in collaboration with the Chemical Society of Åbo (KSÅ) and Skolresurs.
Description: Participated as a presenter and panelist in discussions on the application of AI in chemistry, physics, and education, engaging an audience of students and high school teachers to promote the integration of AI in science and science education.
Shaking up Tech 2023
Location: Espoo, Finland
Role: Workshop Organizer
Organized by: Aalto University
Description: Organized and facilitated sessions for the “Molecular AI Laboratory” to inspire women and non-binary individuals to pursue careers in technology and engineering fields.
Get in contact if you are interested in a joint outreach effort on the topics of astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry or machine learning in chemistry at hilda.sandstrom@aalto.fi